Thursday, April 23, 2009

Howdy Stranger

I just realized how long its been since I last put some thing on this site. I've been busy learning. In addition to the Shuttle engineering course I mentioned in the previous post I've also been watching Stanford CS 106A Programming Methodology and CS 223 Introduction to Robotics. Oh, and Solidworks, Dreamweaver and Microsoft Office tutorials. Today I'm going to be working on my computer upgrading to Vista and installing the other software that I've been studying. Which I'm guessing will take a few days just to get everything working properly again.

YouTube is becoming my University. In addtion to the college courses I've been watching TEDtalksdirector alot, its great mind expanding material.

Lately I've been thinking of a new smaller ship for earth orbiting, possibly moon trips. Fission rocket, using superheated water for propulsion. I have a cut-away drawing of a B-17 by my desk and visualize a modernized cockpit and nose section adapted for space flight.

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