Friday, August 7, 2009

Cheats inside the Holocell

I really enjoy thinking about the "gaming" possibilities inside a Star
Trek style Holodeck.

I also like thinking about what possible cheats may be used in them. For me these include such things as having access to 21st century equipment in ancient settings. Having a Tommygun or a Humvee or helicopters when meeting Julius Caesar.

Of course before any of this is possible I have to build a working Holocell. I say holocell because I do not think it would be possible to have multiple people inside a single holodeck. instead I think that it would be easier to have a round cell with projections on its surface that can simulate movement over terrain. This level 1 holocell is already in existance such as the Allosphere.

The next logical level for this technology in my eyes is interaction with the enviroment. Playing catch or hiting a baseball thrown at you, wading through a river. How much of this can be done simply using "magic tricks" and how much will require new technology?

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