Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Journey to the Moon and Beyond

Journey to the Moon and Beyond
By []Shariq Mahmood

In March, the launch abort system - also known as the LAS pathfinder - for NASA's Orion crew exploration vehicle began a week-long journey across US to be delivered to White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, where it will help NASA prepare for the first abort system test, known as Pad Abort 1. The LAS pathfinder represents the size, outer shape and specific mass characteristics of Orion's abort system. This has created waves about Orion.

Orion, as you know, will become Nasa's primary vehicle for human space exploration after the shuttle retires in 2010. It will carry astronauts to the International Space Station and eventually to the moon and beyond. The vehicle is scheduled to begin carrying humans to the International Space Station in 2015. For its return to Earth, Orion will be equipped with a system of parachutes and shock absorbers.

Orion is making a big splash. A mock-up of the spacecraft that will carry the next generation of astronauts to the moon and beyond is traveling down the East Coast and undergoing tests to help NASA understand its performance in water.

'One feature is its high mobility,' writes Nasa on its website. 'Each set of wheels can pivot individually in any direction, giving the vehicle the ability to drive sideways, forward, backward and any direction in between' - a bit like a supermarket trolley.

The LAS pathfinder - for NASA's Orion crew exploration vehicle began a week-long journey across US to be delivered to White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, where it will help NASA prepare for the first abort system test, known as Pad Abort 1. The LAS pathfinder represents the size, outer shape and specific mass characteristics of Orion's abort system.

NASA really led in the space technology section and here once again it make the technology wall more strong by contributing LAS path finder. Innovation is the hobby of NASA and valuable move proof its researchers hard working. Its preparation for the first abort system test, known as Pad Abort 1 can be declared here as IT bomb on the tree of technology. []Visit Technostation for Detail []For Relevant Products: Visit Technostation
[]Mail to Author

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Space Colonies

Space Colonies
By []Lance Winslow

How would Space Colony inhabitants protect themselves from solar flares, incoming space debris and the perils that lie ahead? Is it feasible to put a colony on the Moon and one on Mars? Recently, this discussion came up in the online think tank and one individual said with regards to living in a space colony:

One would have to spend half their time in these safe shelters. Not very appealing. I think the best way to provide this shielding is to build our lunar outpost under the moon's surface. But again, there is much research that will need to be done in order to develop strategies and methods

Well you know I live in a Motor Coach and have been traveling the North America for the last 6-years, and I am fine with it, People live in submarines for 6-8 months, folks have lived in Skylab, and on the ISS. We put bad humans in prisons; they seem to adapt. Additionally with VR - virtual reality and proper communication, well they ought to be fine. I can think of a few super models that I would love to be locked in a cage with? :)

All these psychological tests have been done. Psychological profiles are known, Sci Fi writers like Ben Bova have written about this and NASA has way too many psychologists on their staff who are paid way too much, for common sense reports they produce. Living under the surface does make the most sense to protect against incoming space rocks.

Sometimes, I feel like there are too many studies and not enough action and we give NASA very little compared to the US Military, we ought to fund NASA 10-fold and then have them share the information learned with the rest of the Scientific Community, including military offshoots of technology.

The 22-year Solar Cycle theory is having a bit of a problem with probability considering the quiet periods and sudden events, there was one recently that was unexpected and of interest. Our solar system has a bubble around it from the energy it creates moving thru deep space, not all space is equal and our solar system travels around the larger system of varying densities, then we are affected by other events of nearby natures, which could destroy us, buffet us, or affect us in some way.

In a space colony with a good pre-warning system, which is totally feasible, you simply close the sky lights, windows, etc and shield up, no big deal if on the moon, facing the Sun, go below the ground about 10 feet or more good as gold, or titanium? But enough talk, pick a solution and let's go already, we have the technology, and we are stalling.

"Lance Winslow" - Online []Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; [] Lance is an online writer in retirement.

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Friday, August 14, 2009

DIY Carbon Fiber Sheets

DIY Carbon Fiber Sheets
By []Drew Shielly

This is a beginners guide to carbon fiber. More advanced guides supporting our how-to section on vacuum molding, positive/negative molds, and weight reduction will follow.

Start by setting out your tools, including a sheet of clean glass at least 4" larger than your largest piece of graphite mat. Apply some form of mold release to the glass to aid in removal of the laminate later. At this point mix your resin. What resin you use depends on on the end application for the part you are making. In this eaxmple of a flat sheet, that would most likely become a gauge trim piece or a blanking plate, almost any resin will work fine. Resin systems can cost from 30 dollars a gallon up to 200 dollars a gallon, so choose one that suits your needs. No matter what resin you use consistency is very important. The resin and the catalyst must be throughly mixed.

Ensure the face of the mat is clean from any debris that would blemish the finish. Now, using a push pull motion stretch the fabric until it has a uniform appearance. This is one of the most important steps. Once you are ok with the pattern start applying resin. Start in the middle in work your way around. The goal here is to use as little resin as you can while wetting out all of the mat. Excess resin will only make your parts needlessly heavy and weak. Keep applying resin as needed while working out any air pockets that appear. Any excess resin should be worked to the sides, and the pattern should be adjusted once more.

The second layer goes on in the same way as the first. For the second course use a little less force so not to disturb the underlying layer. For cosmetic only pieces, two layers of mat is enough. For trim pieces I usually use three layers, and for body panels 4-5 with a special veil layer that will be discussed in a later review.

Flip the glass over and assure that the pattern is still intact, and there are no air pockets. If there are small pockets of trapped air you can push them gently to the sides. Once the air is removed, lay a large block of wood or another sheet of glass across the top. This will promote a uniform thickness and aid n the removal of any smaller un-noticed air pockets. Now allow the resin to partially cure. Depending on the system you used and the conditions it is curing under, this can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 12 hours.

Once the resin has cured to a state where it is only slightly tacky, pry up the top block of wood. At this stage thinners laminates can be trimmed with a razor before they totally cure. Thicker laminates should be treated much like metal and only cut with fine tooth blades once fully cured. To remove the graphite from the glass, start at a edge with excess resin. You can peel up the resin to get the mat started much like you would remove a sticker. Any exterior trimming can usually be done at this point. For interior trimming such as producing holes or patterns I suggest waiting at the least several hours. When you watch the video, take note that the entire process takes only 5 minutes of labor. Total cost on a 14x14 sheet is only a few dollars. I have made sheets as large as 5sq/ft for use as tail gate trim pieces with these same steps. Total cost was under 30 dollars. If you do what most "carbon fiber" companies do and back the piece with fiberglass the same 5sq/ft piece cost less than 10 dollars. For a complete movie on these steps see: http:

Tools Needed:

Resin System

Measuring Cups



Sheet of Plywood

WD40 or Wax

Graphite Mat

Paper Towels

Article Source:

Monday, August 10, 2009

Lagrangian Points and Nasa's Plan to Explore Space

Lagrangian Points and Nasa's Plan to Explore Space
By []David Craig

Nasa is relying on the existence of Lagrangian points between every set of planetary bodies it intends to explore in order to implement its plan of successful interplanetary space exploration. Although this at first may seem to be a vague and mystical concept, foreign to all but trained astrophysicists, in fact it is really quite simple to understand.

The Lagrangian in physics is merely nothing more than a set of two simpler equations that can be used as an alternative for Newtons second law; force equals mass times acceleration. A Lagrangian point between two bodies exerting competing forces on a body is therefore a point at which the forces are equal and opposite. According to Newton’s third law, if the net force on a body is zero, it will stay at rest if at rest and if in motion it will stay in motion.

In mathematical terms, visualize a graph of a big bowl. The Lagrangian point is the point at the very bottom of the bowl. This point represents the point at which the maximum energy, the energy from the bottom of the bowl to the top, must be supplied to kick the body out of the bowl in order to prevent the body from rolling back down to the bottom of the bowl and returning to its energy minimum. Therefore, the point at the minimum of the bowl represents the point of maximum stability in terms of preventing the influence of a net imbalance in the forces of the two gravitational forces on it from disturbing it. This point in question is the orbit which has the most stable velocity and angular momentum. The body acted on could be a space station between two large masses such as the earth and the moon or any two interplanetary bodies of significantly greater mass than the spacecraft.

How this relates to Nasa and its plans for future space travel is that they have the ability to use the Lagrangian formulas to calculate the Lagrangian points between different planetary bodies and therefore to determine the location of these orbits. Therefore, it is possible to build space stations as stepping stones between the earth and the moon, the moon and Mars, and on and on as far as you want to go. As it would be unrealistic to expect any spacecraft to be able to return to earth from far out in space in the case of an emergency or the need to make repairs, this makes the possibility of extending space travel outwards into the solar system and theoretically beyond feasible within the constraints of our technology and budgetary considerations.


1) NASA Reveals New Plan for the Moon, Mars & Outward
By Leonard David; Senior Space Writer –

David Craig; []Nasa and General Astronomy Information;

M.S. - Physics: University of Minnesota;

B.S. - Computer Science: University of Oregon;

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Friday, August 7, 2009

Cheats inside the Holocell

I really enjoy thinking about the "gaming" possibilities inside a Star
Trek style Holodeck.

I also like thinking about what possible cheats may be used in them. For me these include such things as having access to 21st century equipment in ancient settings. Having a Tommygun or a Humvee or helicopters when meeting Julius Caesar.

Of course before any of this is possible I have to build a working Holocell. I say holocell because I do not think it would be possible to have multiple people inside a single holodeck. instead I think that it would be easier to have a round cell with projections on its surface that can simulate movement over terrain. This level 1 holocell is already in existance such as the Allosphere.

The next logical level for this technology in my eyes is interaction with the enviroment. Playing catch or hiting a baseball thrown at you, wading through a river. How much of this can be done simply using "magic tricks" and how much will require new technology?

Monday, August 3, 2009

Multi-Core Processor Evolution

Multi-Core Processor Evolution
By []Jewel Cole

You might be amazed with all the new processors that are now available in the market.This article aims to help average computer users to understand better the multi-core processor revolution. Understanding what the different multi-core processor is can help you decide which processor to get if you want to make your computer run faster, have an upgrade or just want to know what a core does in the first place.

A Processor or Central Processing Units or also known as CPU is the brain of your computer. It handles everything that needs to be processed in your computer except for video processing. That makes the CPU a very important part of your computer system. The faster your CPU can process the data, the faster your system responds and the less time you need to wait for a command or task to be finished.

As time goes by, CPU manufacturers started making faster CPUs. Most of them failed and only Intel and AMD survived that tough competition. For a decade, Intel and AMD improved their silicon to go faster and faster until around 2004. The current technology limits the CPUs to go above 4 GHz (GHz is a measure of CPU speed to process information). Currently attempting to break the 4 GHz is not possible. According to Moore's Law, computing is increasing or improving exponentially approximately every 2 years. But the engineering limitations of the CPUs that time has been reached so they need to come up ways to improve it and there was no choice but to increase the number of cores in the CPU.

The logic behind can be compare to a car that twice the number of "cylinders" should produce twice the "speed." but it didn't really work out that way. They placed a 3 GHz core and fit it next to another 3 GHz core but that didn't process like a 6 GHz core at all. That's because the second core needs specific software to process at the same time. The computer get confused when it process data from the two cores. The first data should be processed first before the other. It's like a single cashier register queue. If the cashier tries to process two customers at once it will get confused. Same with the computer it will get confused and process nothing at all.

It turned out that the new processor doesn't need to process a single data using two cores simultaneously. There are less than 1% of all popular software applications that needs to more than 3 GHz speeds. For example, Adobe Photoshop can perform really fast on a 3 GHz per side dual core. Photoshop performs like it was using a 6 GHz single core. Even though that there are software and games that don't recognize the CPU's second core and kept plugging along at normal speed. Operating Systems (OS) such as Windows XP and Vista can slough off some of their own OS functions to one of it's CPU cores so that the other core can be dedicated to applications that are not "multi-threaded" like the Photoshop. Users who have tried dual core CPU have noticed a serious increase in speed when tried it. To make it short dual core CPU performs by allotting one of its core to be dedicated to only running the application and the other core will run all the background functions. So if you want to enjoy a faster and happier computing experience you should not buy another single core CPU again especially if you are fond of multi tasking when you are using your computer.

Aside from dual core, []quad core processors are becoming more popular in the market today. A quad core is double a dual core that means that it can process four streams at once. This is really a very processing speed especially for very rare "multi-threaded" applications but for regular users, it would be hard to tell the performance difference between a dual core and a quad core processor. People who use "multi-threaded" application or future application that will take advantage of multiple cores in the future will surely enjoy using one of these babies. When you buy a quad core today you are securing yourself from any future developments that will take advantage of multiple core processors making your computer system from being obsolete.

Jewel Cole is a freelance writer for a []computer parts retailer company. A website administrator in one of the leading laptop battery retailer.

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Monday, July 27, 2009


One of my girlfriend's friends came over the othernight to play with ouija board. Not something I believe in, however I decided to take "precautions".

Honestly it went awesomely. The only negatives of the whole experiance was after I left the room and the friend asked some "bad" questions which got my woman worried about our relationship. Watching the thing moving underneath our fingers took a while to get used to. I originally had to come into the room after I heard them scream in suprise and asking each other if they were moving it. It was on the whole a very positive experiance.

Well, there was one major negative for me which leads me to write this. When I asked if I would ever have my space ship it said "no".

There was dialog between us and the "spirits". We even joked around with each other. My favorite was after asking if "it" was having fun with us the pointer moved over the "h" and then the "yes".

I don't believe any of us were consciously moving the pointer. We made a point to ask if we were safe periodically through the session. It was the best experiance I have ever heard about using a ouija board.