Monday, July 27, 2009


One of my girlfriend's friends came over the othernight to play with ouija board. Not something I believe in, however I decided to take "precautions".

Honestly it went awesomely. The only negatives of the whole experiance was after I left the room and the friend asked some "bad" questions which got my woman worried about our relationship. Watching the thing moving underneath our fingers took a while to get used to. I originally had to come into the room after I heard them scream in suprise and asking each other if they were moving it. It was on the whole a very positive experiance.

Well, there was one major negative for me which leads me to write this. When I asked if I would ever have my space ship it said "no".

There was dialog between us and the "spirits". We even joked around with each other. My favorite was after asking if "it" was having fun with us the pointer moved over the "h" and then the "yes".

I don't believe any of us were consciously moving the pointer. We made a point to ask if we were safe periodically through the session. It was the best experiance I have ever heard about using a ouija board.

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