Saturday, July 11, 2009

Seek and Ye Shall Find

I was surfing the net last night and happened upon several space and astronomy oriented Forums. From them I was able to find more and more other blogs I've added to my favorites and will be visiting. If you can think of any feel free to leave the address below.

Today I'm working in Excel trying to make a good daily checksheet so I'll remember or shame myself into doing more work on this site. Right now my idea is if I can find 2 E-zinearticles and write my own I'll not only have enough content to get visitors. I'll be able to improve the stature of my site because of my own ideas.

While I love finding people better educated than me on these forums I think my plans are quite abit more realistic (don't rely on NASA or other agencies that probably don't share their vision)

Vision is paramount in space travel. Although NASA and a few companies may be the only ones building spacecraft currently, the ideas of many are being ignored. Some for the best and some for the a loss. I am aiming for a future with technology somewhere in between Star Trek and Firefly. Artificial gravity is very important to me. And I am confident that I will be able to find some sort of workaround that lets me use electromagnetic forces to simulate gravity.

I've already started melting my own aluminum and will eventualy be casting it into disks to experiment with centrifugal forces and Laithwaite devices. Hopefully this will give me more insight into how artificial gravity can be made.

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