Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Applied for a New Job

I applied for a new job over the weekend and have spent the last several days making sure that if I can get an interview I'll have the job. Mostly just a bunch of learning about their company and reviewing "Basic Electronics" an old Naval personnel Training manual.

I've also found a bunch of new links to other space advocacy sites. I'll be going through them in the next several days and writing a series of articles updating their information. It shouldn't be that difficult though the newest articles I could date on the other sites was from 2004, most of them were from the late 1990's.

I also am going to start doing some research on Aluminum-Lithium alloys and how they are produced and how much it costs to work with them. Figuring that many of the parts that could be used to build a manned space craft are already commercially available I'm going to try getting information on those things that will need to be custom made for any particular craft. Such as the hull.

If everything goes as expected I'll have some articles ready to post by Thursday.

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